Chapter 24: Paris

All things Eiffel…

Saturday market in Joinville-le-Pont…Yum!

We were lucky enough to have family to stay with during our 4-day trip to Paris. These are Andrzej’s cousin’s children. We had a lot of fun spending time with his family and learning about French culture while sitting at their dining table enjoying home cooked meals. The table was tri-lingual. The children spoke both Polish and French fluently, the eldest spoke quite a bit of English as well, and Andrzej could speak both Polish and English, his cousin Kasia and her husband could mostly speak all three, and I was the only mono-liguistic person at the table waiting for a translation. It was an entertaining experience, one filled with aperitif wine, regular wine, delicious main courses, and ending in a fromage (cheese) course.

All things cars: A glance at the Paris Car Show

The Avenue des Champs-Élysées. It connects Arc de Triomphe with the Place de la Concorde. It is a famous street, which is considered by some to be one of the most beautiful streets in the world. It is also where many Parisians celebrated (unfortunately, the celebrations turned violent) when France won the World Cup this year.

We couldn’t figure out why they had the South Korea Flag on its edges while we were there.

And yes, we did get to see some artwork after the car show…

All things art:

The Louvre and The Musée d'Orsay
