Chapter 5: Utah Part II

Chris Wilder, aka “The Godfather” convinced us to visit MOAB on our way down to visit family in Ridgeway, CO. And so, without any real time constraints for once in our lives, we decided to go. 


The Lazy Lizard

We stayed at the "Lazy Lizard" which is an apt name for this place. It was filled to the brim with everything from the 50's (carpeted walls, plumbing fixtures, and owners) to current day necessities (wifi and power strips). I cooked one the worst meals I have ever cooked. I read somewhere that it is good to save pasta water to thicken the pasta sauce. Our dinner was basically tomato soup with noodles made from a pasta sauce jar, but we ate it anyways, lol.


Moab was impressive and definitely worth the visit. We visited Arches National Park, which was really neat and luckily still cool enough for 7ish miles of hiking. We saw the most famous of the arches (Delicate Arch as seen on the Utah license plates), and vast views from the hiking trails. We also saw the "Double O" (2 arches stacked).  


